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Submit your work to us and you’ll keep your copyright.



We have no formula for fiction. No one should: if you put too many strictures on a writer, you might just miss out on something . . . remarkable. We are looking for stories that will appeal to science fiction and fantasy readers. You are a writer — write! As a writer, you should also be a reader, reading. We believe you’ll know when you have something worth sharing.

Send your submissions to Please either use a Word attachment, or place your manuscript in the body of your e-mail. At the present time (and foreseeable future) we’re not up to handling paper submissions. Include a short bio (about yourself, of course, unless you have new information on Lincoln or Aristotle or some such . . . .).

We won’t lie to you — it is our intention to pay on publication someday. Not today, however. Let us get our feet wet, build a foundation under us, gain some legitimacy through time and content quality.

We accept simultaneous submissions.

Any editorial columns and non-fiction articles are assigned in-house. At present, we do not accept freelance submissions in those areas.

At present, we use very little art, so we have no separate artist's guidelines. Please send art samples to the e-mail above.

Our “formula” for responding is that we will, as quickly as we are able. We don’t want to drag out bad news, and we do want to give good news as swiftly as possible. As we see how things go, we’ll plug a time-frame into this spot, to be more helpful.

We look forward to hearing from you.